HAND-CRANKED MAGNET maker IS limitless fun
We can’t believe of a single person who doesn’t take pleasure in playing with a handful of unusual earth magnets now as well as again. We understand that [Dave Johnson] definitely does. As a gift to his daddy in law, he built a splendid maker that does bit a lot more than manipulate spherical unusual earth magnets with hypnotizing grace.
The maker is built nearly completely from wood, save for a few fasteners as well as rods. even the gears have been very carefully cut from wood, with special interest paid to make sure smooth operation. When cranked, the maker slices off a single magnet from one end of a long chain, passing it along to a lift arm. The lift arm deposits the magnet into a metal tube, as well as with the assist of eddy currents, it drifts slowly down before being redeposited at the end of the magnet chain.
Be sure to inspect out a video presentation of the maker after the break, it truly is fun to watch.
[via LaughingSquid]